The Story Of God’s People — Patriarchs

by | Apr 22, 2023 | 17 Time Periods | 0 comments

Up to this point, covering the events in each of the 17 time periods during one class has been doable.  Now it gets challenging.  The patriarchs cover Abraham, Isaac and Jacob but also tacks on Joseph.  That’s a lot of ground to cover in 45 minutes but the point of this quarter is to familiarize the students with the 17 time periods, know how they fit on the timeline, know major characters and major events.  The hope is that the students get the big picture of God’s plan.  Future lessons will fill in the details.  Think of it like going to an art museum and seeing on the far wall a huge painting.  It is easy to see what the main idea is that the painter wanted to convey.  As we walk closer and closer to the picture, more and more details begin to emerge.  This quarter, my class is viewing God’s word from across the room.

Old Testament Books

I borrowed an idea from Ronda Duvall from Hands On Bible Teacher   to encourage memorizing the books of the OT.   I want to continue opening the class with this but adding the paper chains each week can get time consuming. So we may add the chains at the end of class allowing the students a little extra time to get theirs added.  Here is a picture of the beginning of the paper chains:

This pocket chart was on the wall in the classroom before I started teaching this quarter.  We’ll use it as a way to keep up with what each student knows.  As they are able to say the books, they will get to move their bookmark to the book’s pocket.  They will get to take their bookmarks home at the end of the quarter. Each bookmark has the books of the OT on the front and the 17 time periods on the back.

Sing: God Had a Plan by Glenda Schales

17 Time Periods:  Link to my version of hand motions and song — 17 Time Periods video.

Timeline:  This week I added labels on our timeline that will help to visually put each of the time periods into their correct place.  While a student uses the pointer, pointing to the correct time period, we will sing the song.

Review Previous Lessons Using: The Complete Cycle Spiral from Creation to Revelation.

Patriarchs: This time period is covered in Genesis 12-5o.  The main thing I want the students to learn from this lesson is the promises to Abraham in Genesis 12, the names of the 3 main patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) and it is through these men God’s plan begins to unfold, and the events leading up to Joseph becoming 2nd in command of Egypt.

There are some good songs for the patriarchs.  I’ll list them here with links to listen to them but I’m not sure how many we’ll be able to sing.

My podcast Gramma Reads A Book has recently covered the patriarchs.  These episodes start with the promises to Abraham and continue on for the following 12 or so episodes.  Promises to Abraham

Bulletin Board Activity:  Add Patriarchs picture.  Let students take turns putting small pictures in the correct pocket.

Hymn: This Is My Father’s World

Old Testament Challenge: Give some time to add paper chains.



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